Publications |2007 - Current
Kuttal, S., Chen, X.*, Wang, Z., Balali, S. and Sarma, A. (2022) Visual Resume: Exploring developers’ online contributions for hiring. 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER), Honolulu, Hawaii, March 15-18 2022, Journal First track
Kuttal, S., Chen, X.*, Wang, Z., Balali, S. and Sarma, A. (2021) Visual Resume: Exploring developers’ online contributions for hiring. Information and Software Technology (IST), Volume 138, 106633, Oct. 2021
Chen, X.*, Hosking, J., Grundy, J., and Amor, R. (2018) DCTracVis: a system retrieving and visualizing traceability links between source code and documentation. The Journal of Automated Software Engineering (ASEJ), CCF Ranking B, CORE/ERA A-ranked Journal,July 2018, pp. 1-39, Online ISSN: 1573-7535, Print ISSN: 0928-8910
Sarma, A., Chen, X.*, Kuttal, S., Dabbish, L., and Wang, Z. (2016). Hiring in the global stage: profiles of online contribution. 11th IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), Best Research Paper Award, California, USA, August 2016
Chen, X.*, Hosking, J., Grundy, J., and Amor, R. (2013). Development of Robust Traceability Benchmarks. 22nd Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2013), Ranking B, Melbourne, Australia
Chen, X.*, Hosking, J., and Grundy, J. (2012). Visualizing Traceability Links between Source Code and Documentation. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2012), Ranking A, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 119-126
Chen, X.* and Grundy, J. (2011). Improving Automated Documentation to Code Traceability by Combining Retrieval Techniques. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2011), CCF Ranking A, Lawrence, USA, pp. 223-232
Chen, X.*, Hosking, J., and Grundy, J. (2011). A Combination Approach for Enhancing Automated Traceability (NIER Track). Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2011), CCF Ranking A, Waikiki, Hawaii, pp. 912-915
Chen, X.* (2010). Extraction and Visualization of Traceability Relationships between Documents and Source Code. Proceedings of the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2010), CCF Ranking A, Antwerp, Belgium, pp. 505-510
Chen, X.* (2010). Extracting and visualizing traceability links between documents and source code. Proceedings of the 21st Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2010), Ranking B, Auckland, New Zealand
Chang, S.H., Chen, X., Priest, R.A. and Plimmer, B. (2008). Issues of extending the user interface of integrated development environments. CHINZ 2008, July 2, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 23-30
Chen, X.* and Plimmer, B. (2007). CodeAnnotator: Digital ink annotation within Eclipse. OzCHI 2007 Proceedings, Adelaide, Australia, ISBN 978-1-59593-872-5, pp. 211-214
Amor, R., Jiang, Y. and Chen, X. (2007). BIM in 2007 – are we there yet? Proceedings of 24th CIB W78 Conference, Bringing ICT knowledge to work, Maribor 2007, ISBN 978-961-248-033-2